Goldilocks polvoron nutrition facts
Goldilocks polvoron nutrition facts

goldilocks polvoron nutrition facts

ren produktmoiezawieraé Sladowe iloscijaj, orzechéw ziemnych i orzechéwe Net Contents / Netto Inhalt/Nett0 540 g(20 Pcs/St1Sztuk) Contenu Net I Zawartoéé netto: Im orteur: Heuschen & Schrouff OFT B.V. Skladniki: mqka PSZENNA, MLEKO w proszku, cukier, czeéciowo utwardzony t}uszcz g g roélinny (olei kokosowy, olej palmowy), aromat. Ceproduit peutcontenirdes traces d'œufs, d'arachidesetdefruitsà coque. Ingrédients: farine de BLÉ, LAIT en poudre, sucre, graisse végétale partiellement hydrogénée (huile de coco, huile de palme), arôme. Goldilocks Cashew Polvoron Nutrition Facts Serving Size 2 pieces (26 g) Amount Per Serving Calories 120 Daily Values Total Fat 4. Dit product kan sporen van eieren, pinda's en schaalvruchten bevatten. I Ingrediënten: TARWEmeel, MELKpoeder, suiker, gedeeltelijk gehard plantaardig vet (kokosolie, palmolie), aroma. The Filipino word comes from the Spanish polvoron. Goldilocks is a Philippine bakeshop chain that manufactures and packages different flavors of pulburon. Philippine shortbread cookies NUTRITION FACTS/ NRINGSVRDE:Serving size / Serveringsstorlek100gEnergy/ Energi2008kJ. zutaten: WEIZENmeh, MILCHpulver, Zucker, teilwe'\ Fltartetes pflanzliches Fett (Kokosôl, Palmôl), Aroma, Dieses Pf0duKt kann Spuren von Eiem, Erdnüssen und Schalenfrüchten enthalten. Premium polvoron made with the best quality ingredients for an especially sweet treat. Because product packaging, description, ingredients, nutritional guides and dietary or allergy. This productma contain traces of egg, peanuts : luts. The images and information provided above are for reference only. Calories from Fat 48.6 ( 37.5 ) Daily Value. Ingredients: WHEAT flour, MILK powder, sugar, partly hydrogenated vegetable shortening (coconut oil, palm oil). Classic Polvoron Goldilocks Nutrition Facts Serving Size: piece (27g ) Amount Per Serving Calories 130 Calories from Fat 49 Daily Value Total Fat 5. For a Serving Size of 1 piece ( 27 g) How many calories are in Classic Polvoron Amount of calories in Classic Polvoron: Calories 129.6.

Goldilocks polvoron nutrition facts