In Showdown, you can’t check bushes, so if you are moving into an unknown bush, be ready to dash away very quickly.This can be used repeatedly to deal damage and charge Mortis’ Super all the while taking minimal damage. It also allows him to get close to certain close-ranged Brawlers and slash through them and out of their range. Using this mechanic effectively requires preparation and being unpredictable, such as bush-camping and attacking when someone comes near. Mortis' long dash from his attack bar allows him to close a significant gap between enemies and gives him a chance to get closer to enemies.This gives you the chance to dash back and catch the Ball, therefore preventing a goal.

When defending, try to aim backwards instead of auto-aiming when an enemy is near your goal. This distraction isn't necessary for more skilled players who can dash through all the action to the other side. To do this, you can allow your teammates to distract the opposition, then quickly self-pass and score a goal. You can also use your Super to shoot the ball (even on the side of the map) and dash forward onto the ball (with his Survival Shovel Gadget or a fully charged attack bar) to move the ball down the field extremely quickly. If fast enough, you’ll only need one dash to pick up the ball again to conserve ammo. In Brawl Ball, you can self-pass by kicking the ball and dashing twice to pick it up again.It’s sometimes necessary to be kept alive while taking fire from enemy Brawlers, especially in 3v3 modes. Mortis' Creepy Harvest heals him for a considerable amount when defeating an enemy Brawler.His Survival Shovel Gadget is also a useful asset as it boosts his reload speed and allows him to dash more quickly. Using his Coiled Snake Star Power is useful as it reduces the charging time for his attack bar. If possible, try charging his attack bar up to retreat more effectively.

Mortis' reload speed is the slowest in the entire game, which means that after you defeat an enemy, you should immediately retreat and reload.It also has considerable range and travels quite quickly, which can be used to snipe low-health Brawlers even through walls. Try not to use his Super as a first attack unless you are very low on health, and try to hit as many enemies as possible with Mortis' Super so that he recovers more health and charges his Super again much faster. Use it when he’s low on health and needs to heal quickly, or when the enemy is on low health and you can't reload an attack in time. Mortis' Super can act as a powerful fourth attack in tight situations.Still, try to conserve your ammo, and if equipped with Mortis' Survival Shovel Gadget, use it sparingly in case you need to retreat.

In addition, dashing to the side is favorable as opposed to dashing forward since you can dodge attacks better.